Two weeks ago I made my first nerve racking step through the doors of fashion. For those of you that do not know I passed my fashion promotion interview with Bright and Vibrant colours; like this seasons Christopher Kane line. Nevertheless my lovely readers it isn't my minor success that is the topic of discussion this month.
During my interview my very own personal Willy Wonka aka the head of fashion promotion asked a question that affects everyone everyday however we never acknowledge it.
'Who inspires you?'
From the moment she said ask me, I suddenly became nervous, I knew what I wanted to say but how could I talk about everything or everyone that inspires me in fashion; in the space of sixty seconds it was impossible. My stomach began to curl as the entire room of students staring at me to say something, all of sudden this rush of energy came shooting out of my body, Bursting out this answer of probably a retrospective of every fashion conversation I have ever had. After mumbling legendary names such as Karl Lagerfeld, Christopher Kane, Rene Gurau and the fabulous Coco Chanel I walked out of their half satisfied with my answer until I sat down and began to think of the word inspiration and how it is around us everyday.
Now in art the word inspiration is bombarded at us by our tutors, it is more like an order then something we should think and feel about it, however the last few weeks the word is becoming more and more transparent.
I decided to do a little research and from looking at my facebook alone, I can see the likes of past generations, friendships, films and music shaping peoples lives and styles.
My latest inspiration has been provoked by a dear friend of mine Mollie Lambert, who if you haven't already guessed already the same Mollie this post is named after.
Now Mollie's style is a personal favourite of mine as she had an unusual combination of old school fresh prince and mod madness. Her funky chinos, gorgeous parka, fabulous Fred Perry's and her multi colour trainers that Will Smith could not pull off, yes my lovely readers this girl is beyond cool.
Now the reason me and Mollie bond so well is our love for Harrington's, records and our new common love of the Mod film Quadrophenia. After excitingly running up to me to tell me her Doc Martins were in the post we notice the film had made a bigger inspiration in our outfits that day then we had expected. Mollie had created a girly style to the incredibly cheeky but charming character of Jimmy, whereas I did not mirror the tall and graceful mannerisms of Steph but however short and cute copy instead. After realising we both smiled and nodded.
Walking away from Mollie I soon realised it wasn't the way she strutted in her parka or bopped in her chinos and skullcandys, however unlike the arrogant characters in the film and some failed wannabe mods of our generation; Mollie holds such grace and modesty to her cooky styles and which I admire and hopefully inspire to be someday.
Now in art the word inspiration is bombarded at us by our tutors, it is more like an order then something we should think and feel about it, however the last few weeks the word is becoming more and more transparent.
I decided to do a little research and from looking at my facebook alone, I can see the likes of past generations, friendships, films and music shaping peoples lives and styles.
My latest inspiration has been provoked by a dear friend of mine Mollie Lambert, who if you haven't already guessed already the same Mollie this post is named after.
Now Mollie's style is a personal favourite of mine as she had an unusual combination of old school fresh prince and mod madness. Her funky chinos, gorgeous parka, fabulous Fred Perry's and her multi colour trainers that Will Smith could not pull off, yes my lovely readers this girl is beyond cool.
Now the reason me and Mollie bond so well is our love for Harrington's, records and our new common love of the Mod film Quadrophenia. After excitingly running up to me to tell me her Doc Martins were in the post we notice the film had made a bigger inspiration in our outfits that day then we had expected. Mollie had created a girly style to the incredibly cheeky but charming character of Jimmy, whereas I did not mirror the tall and graceful mannerisms of Steph but however short and cute copy instead. After realising we both smiled and nodded.
Walking away from Mollie I soon realised it wasn't the way she strutted in her parka or bopped in her chinos and skullcandys, however unlike the arrogant characters in the film and some failed wannabe mods of our generation; Mollie holds such grace and modesty to her cooky styles and which I admire and hopefully inspire to be someday.
Rubber to my Soul
Spread Your Wings and Style*