Phillipa here with more advice for those who crave fashion.
having trouble finding a new look. Tired of look, Elle and Cosmopolitan.
Well what if I can tell you, I could answer all your question under one link.
With thousands of different looks from all over the world, you will be able to find your perfect match. Now my motto for fashion is Fashion is Freedom, freedom to express and accessories as much as you want in your own way!
So here's a tip, if you like someones style on look book try not to copy them exactly, this country has enough sheep as it is! like my mother always said "you can only be yourself, because everyone else is taking".
all the people i chose are under 18 to show you, you don't have to be 21 to have crazy but cool style!
here are a few styles that I felt popped out of the page
p.s. im on this guys site trying to figure out if he does art or something, but he is kind of moving.
and girls if your moaning about boys not having good style don't worry these boys prove they don't !
This is a really short blog today, as I've been suffering from writers block and it was kind of a spare of the moment thing
but like i said on facebook two big blogs coming up, so excited i know it is quite sad !
Spread your wings and style *