Has this generation seen the last of revelation in fashion? That is the question I'm pondering on. Are we really setting a new wave by picking out unusual style of dress or a outrageous new haircut, or are we just reliving the past's creation?

Did Fashion Peak to early in the 20th century?
To me 20th Century fashion is like Genesis in the bible, On the First day fashion created The Flapper girl, On the Third the Mod on the Sixth The Grunge and On the Seventh She rested, she called this day the Noughties.
As much as I am inspired by the past centuries fashion choices and I am probably not the only one, I am craving for a new look, something so original that cannot be related to an earlier era, But is this possible?
From a writers point a view this post does look like a series of elaborated questions rather than a report of the Fashion industry, Nevertheless I want my readers to know that Fashion isn't a shallow co-peration devoting it's life to the pretty people of the world; For me fashion symbolises a way in which young adults can stand up for themselves for instances Punk's they were not an era of just dressing aggressively for the sake of it, it was a stand against the government and If you look at British political history that was the last time Conservatives were in power and the last real recession since now.
If you look at Fashion and economics in the last 10 years designers have been handing us dress senses on a plate because really we could it afford it. However history like always is repeating itself and the next 10 years will not be as rewarding as the last, It looks like this generation will have to downsize on the budget a hell of lot and we can see that already with the rise of Charity shops ( Is it because its in style, or is it because people are to afraid to admit they just can't afford the new range in Hollister any more?)

Will this generation get off their lazy designer arses and take this chance to fight back against the problems in the world like the Punks did? and will we be able to find this fight in our very own original noughties Sub culture?
Spread your wings and Style*