цирк коллежа

As I sit here in my sisters incredibly stylish yet comfy onesie and drinking the left over Christmas Baileys, I'm starting to realise there is only three days left of twenty ten.
Globally its been an exciting year with two public shootings, a hostel takeover made by pirates, our very own Prince becoming engaged and of course Robbie Williams returning to Take That.
Now before I steal any more of The Sun's previous headlines. This post is about my very personal and very fashionable realisation.
I realised over the last three months I have taken my first baby steps into my career in fashion.
Now the story on my lips or however my finger tips is not my personal beginning to success, nevertheless it is the dramatic change in lifestyle since the day I opened my exam results.

6 months ago my sentence at Secondary School was up and I was a free woman.
After a incredibly long summer break I was ready to start my year in Art and Design at Southend College.
Now for people who live in Essex you are probably question why I have referred Southend-on-Sea to something as exotic as цирк коллежа or in English The College Circus.
My brother would answer this easily, his theory is that the further you walk down Southend High-street the more you will see the circus freaks appear from the shadows. Sorry James this post is not a dig at the citizens of Southend but however a praise to the students of the local college.

To me each day at college I imagined it would feel like witnessing the cirque du soleil.

For me being taken out of a Nazi uniform styled environment and placed into almost a revolution of style is like I can finally Breathe again.
With so many colours, patterns and fabric and not just in the fashion department, but all over the college.
From people dressed in the Sunday best to people who have literally rolled out of bed.

Even in my new friends I can feel my mind opening up to the possibilities that fashion can give you.

Take my friend Ryan to me he is like a Ring Leader, our styles are from two different worlds but somehow my love for vintage and his crave for designer and his California ways have made a great combination aka the High-Street bargains.

My friend Dom a class clown but a legend in himself I call his style 'the Dom' because which is a skater style mixed with his personally accessories.

My new girl friends at college have such different style and walk through college so gracious and fluent in their lovely outfits like Russian acrobats.

The different clothing college is like my very own parade and I thank who has ever gave me this chance to witness this.

Spread your wings and Style.

Fashion Reformed

Phillipa here

With a shameful year of not giving my full attention to my blog, the fashion Gods have called me back in with a new fashion preacher The Ragged Priest.

Now I have been a little devilish and kept this little gem all to myself but I have decided to share the good news with my fellow readers. For those of you who are still wondering what the bloody hell The Ragged Priest is here is a brief history.

Originating for the World Wide Web's most popular auction site Ebay,the Ragged Priest's aim was to bring out and eco awareness vintage site, they do this by sending your item to you in 100 % recyclable paper.Now I know what your thinking who doesn't these days but the trick of their trade is their wrapping paper and packaging is recycled old newspapers, magazines and annual covers and their swing tags are old postcards pictures and playing cards. Now if you are as passionate and as interested about the yesteryear generation as I am you will understand the true magic and uniqueness of their ways of bringing recycling and the fashion industry together.

Now of those of you who are my less eco friendly fashion buddies. If any of you are struggling to find that special vintage garment the Priest has found the answer, instead of promoting the styles of past generation they promote and sell authentic vintage pieces that are in style in this day and age. They have beautiful tea dresses that are perfect for the that feminine touch for those who are craving the summer festival season, or if you are really enthusiastic why not stock up for winter with vintage Barbour coats or 80's rock n roll leather jackets.

There are hundreds of sparkling gems of this website that have a range of styles from 40's sunshine cream tea girl, to that 80's diva or even turn yourself into a 90's Kurt cobainette.
And If boys are craving the style factor The ragged Priest supports male shopaholics as well.Their male account is filled with original Levi shirts and what I assume will be rocking winter 2010 jean jackets and wax Barbour coats.

And if you still haven't got enough information on The Ragged Priest

here are their future plans to spread the word

There ebay account filled with things that I am watching like their my prey :

And If anyone from Essex's is reading here are your Local heroes Southend Born n Bred

Future Plans ~ The Ragged Priest have even opened their own line The Revival Collection that is now available in Topshop Oxford Street.
Have a look now their prices are rare for the products they're selling, and their always holding weekly auctions on eBay.

Coming Soon .........

( if were lucky they will be our generation Topshop.)

Join the Priest on Facebook search the Ragged Priest.

Spread the word and style
